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About me

've been interested in getting on the trail fo Call of fate for a long time, but until 2018 I had no idea that it would one day become my life's work. Instead, I spent half my life chasing a supposed life's mission. I felt bad that I didn't manage to achieve this “life's mission”.

After studying to become a business administration graduate, I initially worked in accounting at various major banks for 20 years and also looked after my 3 children.

At some point I heard the urgent call for more. I have always been interested in everything that has to do with the concept of “reputation”. Since my studies, I was convinced that my actual The calling is teaching.

So I completed various training courses, all of which brought me a little closer to my calling (e.g. resilience trainer and relaxation trainer).


However, I never had the feeling that I had reached the end of the line So I kept looking until I came across Stephan Möritz. I learned mine from him Life's work:






- Follow the call for renewal -

The less suffering your soul has to send, surprising fate decreases. 

This moment was the starting signal for me to dedicate myself to my life's work. Today it has become a passionate devotion. It fills me with enthusiasm and gratitude to help other people to tell them their Call of her soul - her call of destiny

Later my soul gave me the special assignment:

Call your client her Ideal partnership model.

I also completed training in...Soul Plan-Reading at Holistic Healing College in London.

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